Cdiscount-France direct line

The largest cross-border E-commerce platform-Cdiscount, cooperate with flagship services of different industries. This cooperation launch integration logistics solution, provide a China-France cross-border E-commerce trade service, in all directions: logistics transport, payment with security and transport insurance


  • Duration: 7-11 days ( actual data from continuous shipping-delivery test in the second quarter of 2017 by 20 merchants.)
  • La poste (France Post) promises the priority delivery for its tracked packets.( guarantee for time-efficiency in peak season)
  • WISE Express offer pick-up service for its coverage regions, one piece at least, with no charge.
  • 68.8¥/kg+13.9¥/item, strong freight performance.
  • his service accepts packets below 2kg for unit, products with electricity is acceptable.
  • Related with 11 mainstream ERP platforms
  • Value decalaration: below 22 Euros.
  • Cdiscount would devide buyer claims into logistics problem and merchants’ problem, and solve them in different ways.
How to apply
  1. 1. Visit TOPHATTER Official Sitehttp://www.shwise.comand create an account
  2. 2. After submit the application, contact WISE CS in time, conforming shipping address and pick up time, then finish the registration.
  3. 3. Ask for Cdiscount official logistics number (CD+merchant name+number).
  4. 4. Log in and setting: add shipper address at “ shipper address list” (necessary ofr ERP users as well). Find “API interface setting” and get API key (ERP users). Go to “ logistics channel setting” and choose “CDP France direct line”( ERP users need to use channel code:8822). Forwarding agency needs to choose “Autre”, and then “La Poste”
  5. 5. Finish prepaid: log in on WISE Official Sitehttp://www.shwise.comclick “charge online”, connect with Payoneer account.
  6. 6. After the connection, only need to click “ charge online” to finish the operation.
  7. 7. ERP synchronized with WISE Official Site: mabang ERP+, ALLROOT, Dianxiaomi , Mango ERP, ECPP, Tongtu, CNFTH, ibay365, Seller Tool, ECCANG, Irobotbox.
  8. 8. Contact: Chen Hong
         QQ:2881516080     phone: 180-1607-5975
Link for search
  1. 1. “17track” Official Site:
  2. 2. WISE Official Site:
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